You can never have enough Janitors instead of leveling up existing Janitor rooms, place down additional Janitors and spread them apart. You can use the lens/filter menu to learn about it yourself, it is right on top of the mana cards. This still applies when placing them near the top. The Belvedere, Cloister of the Righteous, Guinea-pig Tower, Greenhouse and Observatory all need an extra space above the structure.
Most maps seem to have a 14 floor maximum. You could then place down artifacts in these locations as they will have a lot of traffic and boost many people. It is generally a good idea to place rooms that can travel in all directions on the edges of the school and in the center (like this: 〸_〸_〸 ) for maximum accessibility. Also, when placing rooms, the arrows shows the possible ways for characters to travel. You can right click on a room card to see the doors, size, and whether it needs a space above it. You can see in the card a blue wall for horizontal doors and a "yellowish door" for stairs. Both adjacent rooms need a door in that direction to make your logistic ways. Not all rooms have doors in every direction. Avoid teachers that are both Greedy and Demanding at all cost! Their salary are ridiculously expensive (especially after Unionizing)! You can try to use an Infernal Pact to make them work for free, but its one of the rarer cards in the deck so don't count on it.
Some rooms do not require teachers to work, this is advantageous for us because Teacher Salaries always tend to be more expensive than the Regular Upkeep fee.If they are either Bad or Mediocre it might be better to erect another classroom of the same type to try and get a better teacher.
But before upgrading a classroom, check the teacher's pedigree. By placing a room you already have, you can level up the room and increase its efficiency.General things new players may be unaware of: 3.1 Good permanent items to have before the stages:.