If you've already completed its requirements and still don't have the points, make sure you file a support ticket. Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked First Class Trouble 2 years ago. It's a social deduction game, like Among Us, so the real trick to surviving is working out which players are robot Personoids. The punch card expires at the end of the month, so you'll want to jump on this one now. First Class Trouble is an multiplayer party game for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, and Nintendo Switch that blends cooperation a. First Class Trouble (2021) is a survival puzzle game where six players must work together and against each other to survive a disaster. Of course, this should make it much easier to unlock, but some users are reporting that even after unlocking one achievement, the punch card still won't complete - it's worth bearing in mind here that sometimes it does take a while for the punch card to update.

If you now go to the punch card in the Microsoft Rewards app, you should see that the number of achievements required to complete the task has been lowered from three down to one. Xbox V for Victory Rewards punch card requirements lowered The X360ce Settings First Class Trouble is what you will get below and it can be easily done and you would not find the steps confusing. Now, Xbox has changed the punch card's requirements, lowering the number of achievements needed to complete it.
Microsoft Rewards Xbox Series X|S Sean Carey Xbox has lowered the number of achievements needed to complete the Xbox Game Pass Competitive punch card in the Microsoft Rewards app following achievement tracking issues.Earlier this month, Xbox urged Microsoft Rewards users to file a support ticket for May's Xbox Game Pass Competitive punch card (AKA the V for Victory with Game Pass punch card) if they had completed the task but didn't receive the Rewards points as the task was not tracking achievements correctly.