Pen says that the king's idea is stupid, and Ice King says Pen's hat is stupid. Ice King replies that he is going to make one marry him. Pen asks Ice King why he is always stealing ladies. They kung fu fight as Jake flirts with Rainicorn. Pen says that Jake is not his dog but his friend, and then kicks Ice King into his house and cave, where there was a drum set and a pair of underwear. Pen tells him to stop it and Ice King tells him to stop meddling and that Pen and his dog cannot harm him. Jake stretches his legs to boost Pen up to Ice King.

They then hear an evil laugh and they look up to see Ice King. Pen says that he is twelve and Jake says he is twenty-eight. This makes him upset so he asks how old they are. Pen gives the directions, then throws a snowball at the Elemental. Then they see a Fire Elemental who asks for directions to the sun.

After they throw snowballs at it, they spot a Snow Golem and they throw snowballs at it as well. They land into the ice, but they spotted an Iceclops. Pen and Jake yell "Adventure Time!," then jump, slide onto the ice and surf on Penguins. After Pen puts on a turtle-neck sweater, he asks Jake if he wants his booties and gives them to him. Jake sees that Ice King has trapped Princess Bubblegum. Pen says that Ice King is an oxymoron and Jake shrinks. They follow her into the Ice Kingdom where Ice King starts shooting at Lady Rainicorn with frozen lightning bolts. Pen tells her a joke to cheer her up, but it turns into a failure and she just keeps on crying. Jake grows and the two follow the rainicorn. Then he shows Pen a dance he "downloaded." Just then, Princess Bubblegum's rainicorn, Lady Rainicorn, flies by crying. Jake tells Pen he is meditating to connect his mind to the internet. Pen is sleeping under a tree in a sleeping bag when he wakes up and asks Jake what he is doing. (Note: In the original short, Finn is named Pen.) Princess Bubblegum is captured by the Ice King, and it's now up to Pen and Jake to save her!
4.1 Differences between the short and the series.